Bakugou comes down with the quirk flu and sets off explosions with each sneeze.
Kirishima is the only one who can take care of him without getting hurt in the process.
He Works Himself Away in Hopes of Staying Forever
Eijiro’s been a worrier ever since he was little. Not to say he constantly worried about every little thing, but when someone he cared about showed any signs of anything wrong with them, he worried. A lot. Even if it wasn’t actually a big deal. He still worried. So when his boyfriend opened his door this morning and ventured out with a pale face and flushed cheeks, looking like Death himself had tried to drag him into a grave early, Eijiro naturally started worrying.
He’d asked. Of course he’d asked. And, of course, Katsuki had growled out an, “I’m fine.”
Heavy Hitters
List Title.
“Yes, I’m not surprised,” Momo said, examining the back of the unassuming box of cold and flu tablets. “Some of the stronger medications contain both dextromethorphan and antihistamines, which tend to make people a little bit…” she snuck a glance at the normally volatile blond, finding him completely dead to the world. “Loopy.”
“Think Recovery Girl knew about that when she gave it to him?”
Momo giggled. “Maybe. Bakugou creates a lot of work for her whenever we have training. She may have considered this her personal revenge or something.”